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Retreat Options Below

Retreat Options

Sacred Medicine Retreats in the Amazons of Peru

Reiki Master
Certification Retreats

(Peruvian Amazon or United States)

Sound Bath Healing &
Integration Workshop







When going on this retreat, I was able to have a new level of inner awakening as well as feeling the most grounded with the earth and our surroundings as I’ve ever felt...I was also able to meditate the easiest I ever have, and being around them I was able to be in a more calm and meditative state overall. I would 1000% recommend a retreat with Rose and Sean to anyone out there seeking inner peace, spirituality, light, love and grounding.

It was amazing journey! Friendly owners, professional retreat makers, beautiful place, lots of positive energy. I'd especially recommend Reiki session, San Pedro and mushrooms.

I attended a retreat with Rose and Sean and could not have had a better experience. It was truly incredible from beginning to end. I have never worked with a more skilled and knowledgeable Reiki healer than Sean, it was an experience I will always remember and be grateful for. Sean is very wise and his advice is so helpful in many ways. Rose, on the other hand, is just as knowledgeable and skilled in NLP healing. It’s such a special and amazing experience to go through with her. I highly recommend anyone looking for light, healing or clarity to work with them. You won’t regret it.


You are amazing and awesome! I had such a amazing time!!! I just want to go back and relive it!

Truly grateful for you guys and the loving space to be in. I'm counting down the days for the next one.

When is it exactly, I know in April, when ever you get a chance... Love, light Blessings!


I feel like it truly helped me to get in touch with my inner child more and be more aware of my wounds and how to hold space for and heal them. I'm so grateful i was able to be apart of such a warm, healing and welcoming retreat.

I seriously cannot even begin to express the gratitude I feel! I am so incredibly happy that I was able to go on such a wonderful journey with such an empowering group of people! 

I love you and I can’t wait to spend more time with you guys both as friends and as your faithful student.

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This movement is focused on protecting native Amazonian land, the ancient plant medicines it bears, and the native communities. Supporting holistic healing, healthy communities, and Mother Earth is of most importance to us in these days of conscious development.

New Earth Integration
in collaboration with
Organización Qinty

Heal your mind, body, and soul with sacred master plant medicines and space for a stronger connection to your Divine Higher Self. Receive support to access the root cause of your pain to consciously change your life. 


New Earth Integration offers organized information to help integrate neuroplasticity and natural healing techniques proven by modern science and ancient master medicine wisdom. We bring together powerful healing practices. We help protect and serve Earth's natural medicine as and the techniques to heal as a collective consciousness.

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